Transforming Organisations and Communities

Bodmando Consulting Group is a feminist social enterprise  seeking to create a better world for girls and women

Bodmando AI Companion
Our Consulting Model


Bodmando AI Companion

Bodmando's Evaluation Unit in collaboration with in-house IT experts support  organizations in the strengthening of their M&E systems through integration of appropriate third party AI models. Termed the Bodmando AI Companion, this joint M&E and IT collaboration seeks to augment M&E data governance and management.

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Explore our
consulting model.

The human centered systems thinking framework; a hybrid model promotes complementarity and provides a new perspective on how to engage and co-create solutions for a lasting social impact.

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Our Technical Services

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Bodmando provides independent evaluation technical assistance to organisations

Capacity Strengthening of Programme staff

The training approach of Bodmando follows the same principles as the 70-20-10 rule

Policy Strategy and Programme Design

We support organizations to develop and review policies, strategies and programmes


Our Technical Areas

Education, Gender and Social inclusion

Advancing Education, Gender Equality, and Social Inclusion

Health, Migration and Social Protection

Strengthening Health, Migration, and Social Protection Systems

Clean Energy and Climate Change

Promoting Clean Energy and Climate Resilience

Gender and Climate Nexus

Bodmando designs innovative solutions within a gender and climate lens

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Evaluation of the BMZ-SSF Project in Uganda

Bodmando Consulting Group, in partnership with AWO International, conducted a midterm evaluation of the BMZ-SSF project in refugee and host communities in five districts.

Evaluation of the BHA funded INSO Project in Somalia

Bodmando conducted a comprehensive performance evaluation of INSO's safety and information coordination services provided to over 160 NGOs in Somalia.

BHA Funded Integrated Multisectoral Assistance Project in Borno state, Nigeria

Bodmando conducted an end-line assessment to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the USAID/BHA Funded Integrated Multisectoral Assistance for Conflict-Affected Vulnerable Populations in the Greater Maiduguri Project. It was implemented by a consortium led by Save the Children Nigeria.

Mid-term Review of Uganda's NTD- Sustainability Plan 2020-2025

Funded by USAID, Bodmando in collaboration with RTI International, the Ugandan Ministry of Health, district local governments for NTD-endemic districts, WHO and other partners conducted a mid-term review of the NTD Sustainability Plan 2020-2025.


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