Bodmando Consulting Group

BHA Funded Integrated Multisectoral Assistance Project in Borno state, Nigeria

End-line Evaluation of the USAID/BHA-Funded Integrated Multisectoral Assistance for Conflict-Affected Vulnerable Populations in Greater Maiduguri

Client Name
Save the Children
Technical Area


What was the client’s problem?

The Integrated Multisectoral Assistance for Conflict-Affected Vulnerable Populations in Greater Maiduguri Project aimed to alleviate suffering, uphold human dignity, and save the lives of men, women, girls, boys under five years (U5), and Pregnant and Lactating Women/Girls (PWL/Gs) in MMC and Jere LGAs, Borno State.

The purpose of this end-line assessment was to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of Save the Children’s Integrated Multisectoral Assistance for Conflict-Affected Vulnerable Populations in Greater Maiduguri Project. The specific objectives of the evaluation were:

  1. Assess the program’s progress toward achieving its intended outcomes and objectives.
  2. Evaluate the program’s impact on household food security, child protection, WASH, shelter, and nutrition status.
  3. Assess the effectiveness of the program’s components, including food assistance, nutrition interventions, child protection, water, sanitation, and hygiene activities.
  4. Generate end-line data for a set of indicators outlined in the project M&E plan/ITT for comparison with the baseline data to measure the program’s progress against the log frame indicators.
  5. Document lessons learned from project implementation.
  6. Provide recommendations for program improvement and future interventions.
  7. Explore unintended outcomes of project activities or successes.


What Approach and Methodology did Bodmando Undertake?

The evaluation utilized mixed methods and relied on both primary and secondary data sources to gather information. The data collection methods used at baseline, including the tools and sample sizes, were replicated for comparability of findings, and PDM (Post-Distribution Monitoring) data was also considered.

The Bodmando consultants conducted a comprehensive review and analysis of existing project documents, carried out 24 Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), 15 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and surveyed 1,267 participants sampled across the various thematic areas.

The evaluation was inclusive, considering cross-cutting issues such as gender, age, disability, and other vulnerability considerations, as well as the sensitivity of social norms and practices. It followed a participatory and consultative approach, incorporating a child-centered approach, an intersectional approach, and the OECD DAC criteria.


What value did bodmando unlock?

Bodmando’s evaluation unlocked critical value by providing a comprehensive and reliable assessment of the program’s impact, progress, and effectiveness across food security, child protection, WASH, shelter, and nutrition sectors. By replicating baseline methods and incorporating diverse perspectives—including gender, age, and disability considerations—the evaluation ensured inclusivity and contextual relevance.

Using a participatory approach, Bodmando not only highlighted program achievements but also identified lessons learned, unintended outcomes, and actionable recommendations for future improvement. This rigorous analysis empowered stakeholders with evidence-based insights to refine strategies, amplify successes, and drive meaningful, sustainable change for vulnerable populations in Greater Maiduguri.