With support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID’s) Act to End NTDs (East Program), the NTD Control Programme under the Ugandan MoH developed the current NTD Sustainability Plan (2020-2025). The current plan is premised on six functional areas of operational capacity, service delivery, financing, information systems, policy and planning, coordination and one crosscutting theme of Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI). The NTD sustainability Plan 2020-2025 revealed the prevailing gaps in NTD programming including their root causes and solutions in addition to the short, medium and long-term interventions across each of the functional areas.

RTI International in support of the Ugandan Ministry of Health contracted the services of Bodmando Consulting Group to conduct a mid-term review of the NTD sustainability plan 2020-2025 for the NTD control programme. The objectives of the mid-term review were to.

  • Measure progress made against each functional area as provided in the Sustainability Plan 2020-2025
  • Evaluate the strategy and sustainability priority actions and whether they still match the existing needs/context
  • Reprioritize the government approaches based on the need to fast-track the expected outputs of the sustainability plan to consolidate and accelerate the achieved NTD control and elimination gains.
  • The mid-term review of the NTD sustainability Plan also sought to create opportunities to review and share progress towards sustainability at national and local government levels with relevant sectors, implementing partners and other stakeholders
  •  The mid term review was conducted in a highly participatory and consultative manner through the engagement of NTD programme partners, district health team representatives, the World Health Organisation, relevant line Ministries such as the Ministry of Water and Environment amongst others. It entailed a mixed methods approach for the triangulation of information across different sources. We considered both primary and secondary data sources to gather information.
  • Primary data was generated by conducting an NTD stakeholder consultation workshop, 15 Key Informant Interviews (KII) and through adhoc meetings and calls with various NTD stakeholders. Secondary data was generated from a desk review of relevant NTD indicators in the District Health Information System 2 (DHIS2) and other NTD programme documents such as the Sustainability Plan for the Neglected Tropical Diseases Control Program 2020-2025, WHO road map for Neglected Tropical Diseases 2021–2030, the WHO sustainability framework for action against Neglected Tropical Diseases 2021–2030, WHO framework for monitoring and evaluating progress of the road map for Neglected Tropical Diseases 2021−2030, the Uganda NTD Master plan 2023-2027, Neglected Tropical Diseases Monitoring & Evaluation Plan 2021-2025 for the VB/NTD division, Uganda Ministry of Health Strategic Plan_2020-2025 among several other documents.
An NTD programme manager at the Ugandan Ministry of Health makes his contribution during the validation workshop of findings from the mid term review of the NTD Sustainability Plan 2020-2025 for the NTD Control Programme

Stakeholders included NTD programme partners, district health team representatives, the World Health Organisation, relevant line Ministries such as the Ministry of Water and Environment amongst others.

  • In summary, the midterm review solved the client’s problems by offering a comprehensive analysis of the progress made against each functional area as provided in the Sustainability Plan 2020-2025, identifying key challenges, lessons learned and providing actionable recommendations. This ensured that implementation of NTD programme activities remained on track to achieve the Ministry of Health’s NTD programme objectives which contributed meaningfully to the fight against neglected tropical diseases in Uganda.