Unlocking Value

Bodmando Consulting Group

Knowledge and Information Management

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Knowledge management (KM) includes the approaches taken by an organization

Knowledge management (KM) includes the approaches taken by an organization to identify, create, distribute, and enable the adoption of insights and experiences from the body of evidence. Such insights and experiences consist of knowledge, either personified in individuals or entrenched in organizations as processes or practices. Knowledge management usually focusses on organizational objectives such as performance improvement, competitive advantage, lessons learned and continuous improvement. The two main types of knowledge include tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge.

For knowledge to become explicit, it must be translated into content. Bodmando has strong experiences in shifting of knowledge forms and through working in partnership with our clients, we establish systems of knowledge management to promote sharing of evidence across all levels from programme management to grass root implementers, partners and communities. This increases knowledge value and encourages learning and innovation.

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