Unlocking Value

Bodmando Consulting Group

Technical Areas


Overview of Bodmando's Technical Areas

Bodmando's technical experts bring significant experience across over 20 thematic areas. Our focus is on 15 thematic areas which are divided into 6 different workstreams based on similarities and internal functional expertise. All our interventions across the workstreams are implemented in a gender and climate nexus

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Early Childhood Development

ECD now faces a significant challenge on a global scale with an observed social and economic turbulence across the globe.

Primary and Secondary Education

We work with school systems to better their approach for better learning outcomes amongst pupils and students.

Higher Education Programmes

We work with higher education stakeholders to co-create solutions that improve student learning outcomes in tertiary institutions.



Gender Analysis and Mainstreaming

Our experts are experienced in the utilization of diverse gender analysis frameworks

Developing Gender Strategies

Bodmando experts develop and review gender policies and strategies for projects and programmes.

Conducting Intersectional Analysis

We explore how the various forms of social stratification interact to shape individuals' experiences and outcomes in society.


Youth and Social Inclusion

Adolescent and Youth

Adolescents and Youth are a special group that need targeted support to realize their life goals.

Disability Inclusion

This is an important strategy that allows the design of programmes that are responsive to the priorities of the disabled communities.

Child Protection

Our experts support child protection programmes through measures such as policy development and evaluations.
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Political Economy Analysis

Effective stakeholder engagement in Political Economy Analysis (PEA) is key yet often overlooked.

Health Financing

This is a core function of health systems that can enable progress towards universal health coverage.

Health Systems

Strengthening global health systems through multi-sectoral collaboration can significantly advance global health goals.

Maternal Child Health and Nutrition

Nutrition is the foundation of good health, well-being, and human development and investment in this area is paramount.

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Adolescent SRHR is key to lifelong health, but gender norms and access barriers remain significant challenges.

Non Communicable Diseases

NCDs like heart disease and diabetes are major global health challenges affecting mostly the elderly population.

Disease Epidemiology

COVID-19's 2019 outbreak triggered a global public health crisis, leading to strict measures to control its spread. How do we avoid another disaster of such a kind?

Vaccination Programming

We provide technical assistance to vaccination programmes through interventions such as social listening, monitoring and evaluation.


Migration and Social Protection


Bodmando's support to humanitarian programmes is diverse, ranging from independent monitoring and evaluation to capacity building, policy advocacy, and the development of innovative strategies to improve the lives of displaced communities.

Social Protection

Bodmando ensures that social protection programs are not only effective but also sustainable. We conduct thorough assessments, providing technical assistance, and fostering partnerships that enhance their long-term impact and resilience.
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Institutional Strengthening

Organizational Capacity Assessments

Bodmando uses the OCA Tool to design baseline and periodic assessments, tracking changes in organizational capacity over time.

Communications and Outreach Services

We customize communication and outreach services to effectively share information with diverse audiences.

Organizational Learning and Training

Bodmando aids organizations in creating, retaining, and transferring knowledge to build a culture of continuous learning.

Knowledge and Information Management

We specialize in transforming and managing knowledge to enhance performance and innovation, facilitating the sharing of insights .

Stakeholder and Partnership Management

Bodmando supports organisations to elevate partnerships and stakeholder management right to the centre of business.

Systems Thinking

Bodmando boasts a skilled, interdisciplinary network of experts in systems thinking, facilitation, analysis, and modeling.

Training and Implementation Planning

We support the design of implementation plans with clear protocols to ensure the achievement of strategic and program goals and objectives.
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Agriculture and Food Security


Agriculture can help reduce poverty, raise incomes and improve food security for 80% of the world's poor. Our experts support the evaluation of agricultural programmes, development and review of policies and strategies.

Food Security

Poverty and hunger are closely linked. It is estimated that more than 820 million people still suffer from hunger in the world, a number that continues to grow. We provide thought leadership on food security interventions


Decent Work and Livelihoods

Decent Work

SDG Goal 8 underscores the crucial role that decent work plays in attaining sustainable development. It seeks to "promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, along with full and productive employment, and decent work for everyone.


Livelihoods encompass people's capabilities, assets, income and activities required to secure the necessities of life. Our experts review livelihoods programmes and assess their impact to target communities.
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Development Toolkits

Conceptualization of Toolkits

We support projects and programs by developing toolkits to guide implementation of various approaches.

Piloting of Toolkits

We pilot the toolkits in a natural environment with the participation of programme staff and beneficiaries.

Ongoing Technical Support

We realize that some implementation hurdles can take place during the use of tools and approaches.
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Conflict, Governance & Human Rights

Corporate Governance

Bodmando governance consultants combine corporate policy with sector-specific expertise offering specialized capabilities for various clientele.

Human Rights

We house human rights experts who understand how to incorporate the UN Guiding Principles on Human Rights into programme strategies and operations.

Conflict Analysis

Bodmando provides expertise in conflict analysis using various models with consideration of elements such as stakeholders, conflict dynamics, triggers etc.

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